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How much does Avgo pay a dividend?

The annual dividend for AVGO shares is $2.12. How often does Broadcom pay dividends? Broadcom pays quarterly dividends to shareholders. When was Broadcom's most recent dividend payment? Broadcom's most recent quarterly dividend payment of $0.53 per share was made to shareholders on Monday, September 30, 2024.

How often does Broadcom Inc (Avgo) pay a dividend?

The dividend is paid every three months and the last ex-dividend date was Sep 19, 2024. * Dividend amounts are adjusted for stock splits when applicable. Get the latest dividend data for Broadcom Inc. (AVGO), including dividend history, yield, key dates, growth and other metrics.

How much is a dividend in 2023?

Quarterly Dividends The Company's Board of Directors has approved a quarterly cash dividend of $5.25 per share. The dividend is payable on December 29, 2023 to stockholders of record at the close of business (5:00 p.m. Eastern Time) on December 20, 2023. Financial Results Conference Call

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